Ventilation check
Under the Ventilation check menu, you can access the results from the Ventilation Check module. The Ventilation check module provides one type of result: tables. These results can only be generated when “Own value” is chosen for Heat Loss and Ventilation and when the source of ventilation air is determined based on Room Properties.
Two tables are available for the Ventilation Check module:
- Room Check: This table displays an overview of ventilation rates per room, along with the requirement and an assessment of whether the requirement is met.
- Habitable Space Check: This table provides an overview of ventilation rates per occupancy zone, along with the requirement and an assessment of whether the requirement is met.
What constitutes a Habitable Space Check?
A habitable space check, also referred to as HS, consists of one or more living spaces or other separate spaces that are interconnected and located on the same floor. Except for toilet rooms, bathroom spaces, technical rooms, and circulation spaces.
The general functionalities of the tables can be found on the Tables webpage.