The generator provides the heating or cooling of the distribution network which then will transport the heat or cold to the emissive device of the air handling unit. The emissive devices can be specified as a list using the HVAC template.
It is possible to visualise the generation system using a particular colour. This colour will be used in the 3D visualisation in the results section. In case you assign conspicuous colours to the various templates, this will give you a quick overview of the different templates used in the project.
- Warmteverlies
For the heat loss and EPG calculation, a distinction is made between individual and collective systems. For heat loss, this distinction is made to determine the design capacities for buildings with individual and/or collective installations in a building complex.
For EPG, this distinction is made for the standard efficiencies of heating boilers and the determination of auxiliary energy for heating. For domestic hot water, systems with circulation pipes and hot water storage tanks, as well as systems with block heating where heat is transferred to domestic hot water via a heat exchanger, are considered collective systems
Calculation method Auxiliary energy
In case of individual systems, both the flat rate and detailed method can be chosen to calculation the auxiliary energy for heating.
- Flat rate: The auxiliary energy for individual systems is determined using the flat rate method.
- Detailed: The auxiliary energy for individual systems is determined according to quality statements. A sub-screen ‘Auxiliary energy heating’ appears for the generators in which the auxiliary energy can be specified in multiple ways.
To specify the generator system a choice can be made among a heat generator, a cold generator, and a domestic hot water generator. A combi-heat generator can be specified for heating and domestic hot water.
Generator (preferent)
- Gebouwsimulatie
“For the generator within the ‘System’, it can be indicated whether it is preferred. This is only relevant if multiple generators are specified for Heat, Domestic Hot Water, or Cold; if a single generator is specified, it is automatically preferred. If multiple generators are specified for Heat, Domestic Hot Water, or Cold, but no preferred generator is specified, the rules in NEN 7120 dictate that a preferred generator will be chosen. If a preferred generator is specified and the rules are exceeded, the EPG calculation will issue a notification.”
Location of the generator
The location of the generator can be indicated here. This location is only taken into account for individual boilers for which the efficiency is determined flat rate. The location does not make a difference for all other generators. The option ‘Inside zone’ indicates the generator is ‘located within the boundaries of the EPG calculation’. For the other options the calculations are performed with the generator ‘placed outside the boundary of the EPG calculation’.
- Inside zone generator is placed INSIDE the boundary of the EPC calculation.
- Inside building and outside zone generator is placed OUTSIDE the boundary of the EPC calculation
- Against building generator is placed OUTSIDE the boundary of the EPC calculation
- Inside parcel generator is placed OUTSIDE the boundary of the EPC calculation
- Outside parcel generator is placed OUTSIDE the boundary of the EPC calculation
- Gebouwsimulatie
The type of the generator can be selected from a presented list of options. This list is generated depending on the configuration of the generation (individual or collective) and the selected system (heat, cold, domestic hot water, or combi). An overview of the generator for different configurations and systems is presented below:
Heat generator (individual and collective systems)
A heat pump extracts heat from water or air by evaporating a liquid and then compressing it, thereby raising its temperature. This heat is then used for space heating or heating water through a heat exchanger.
To create a heat/cold pump in Elements, combine a compression chiller (compression refrigeration machine) with a heat pump in a single generator configuration.
Solar thermal energy is a technique where the energy from sunlight is converted into heat for use in a building or business. The most well-known application is the solar water heater, which uses the heat to produce domestic hot water.
Cold generator (individual and collective systems)
Compression chiller, or heat pump, for cooling; this is a chiller in which a compressor draws in a cooling agent at a low pressure. Due to compression, the pressure of the cooling agent is elevated resulting in a rising temperature. The compressor is driven electrically. The hot cooling gas is subsequently transferred to the condenser and condensed into a liquid state. Then the pressure is reduced in the expansion valve after which the liquid cooling agent evaporates in the evaporator at this low pressure. During this process heat is extracted from the water (indirect expansion cooling), or from the air (direct expansion cooling). So heat is extracted (=cooling) from the environment (water or air). This heat is deposited into e.g. the outside air in the condenser.
Create a heat/cold pump in Elements by combining a compression chiller with a heat pump in a single generator configuration.
Absorption chiller for cooling purposes; this is a chiller which is driven with waste heat from a sufficiently high temperature level (> 110 ° C). This may be e.g. heat released by the production of electricity (building-related CHP) or district heating (external heat delivery). The use of primary energy in an absorption chiller is about twice as high compared to a compression chiller at the same cooling capacity. However, the noise production is significantly lower, meaning the absorption chiller may be a viable option in case severe requirements on the noise level apply. (Source: More information ISSO 43)
Domestic hot water generator (individual systems)
Domestic hot water generator (collective systems)
Combi heat generator (individual systems)
Combi heat generator (collective systems)
Heat system
Heat certificate
- Gebouwsimulatie
For a boiler used for heating and/or domestic hot water, you can indicate the type of boiler here. Depending on the choice, this determines both the standard and part-load efficiency (see tables 14.11 and 19.19 of NEN 7120). For high-efficiency (HR) boilers, the return temperature of the distribution network is also important for the part-load efficiency.
Heat certificate
A biomass boiler burns biomass such as pellets or wood chips to heat a building. These fuels are stored in a storage tank and transported to the burner. By supplying air and burning the biomass, hot water is produced for heating. The pellet boiler is the most common type of biomass boiler.
Advantages of a biomass boiler:
- Utilizes biomass: an inexhaustible source of energy.
- Contributes to reducing CO2 emissions and improving the climate.
Generator with pilot
For a Conventional Efficiency Boiler and an Improved Efficiency Boiler used for heating, it can be indicated whether there is a pilot light present. Additional thermal auxiliary energy use is accounted for in this case (see section 14.6.5 of NEN 7120).
Modulating power control
A power control can be specified here in the case of a generator for heating. The power control effects charging the auxiliary energy use of the generator.
Lower modulation
If modulating power control has been applied, then the lower level of modulation can be specified in the range from 0.4 – 1.0. In case the specified limit is below 0.4, then the standard of 0.4 is assumed.
- Gebouwsimulatie
In case of a Conventional Efficiency Boiler for heating, it should be specified whether this boiler is fired by gas or oil. This choice can be made only if the heat certificate is ‘Conventional efficiency’.
- Gas gas-fired boiler
- Oil oil-fired boiler
Cold generator
Energy carrier
- Gebouwsimulatie
In case of a compression chiller (cold generator) it should be specified whether it concerns a compression chiller driven by a gas engine or by electricity.
- Gas engine gas engine driven compression chiller (or heat pump)
- Electricity electrically driven compression chiller (or heat pump)
- Gebouwsimulatie
Specification of the source of the compression chiller. This impacts the input of the Building Simulation Efficiency.
- Gebouwsimulatie
The specifications of a compression chiller (cold generator) are specified from this selection list. The flat rate efficiency is determined based on these specifications. Additionally, the auxiliary energy use to dispose the cooling power of the cold generation is determined using these specifications. The specification ‘high temperature delivery system’ is not included in the selection list as this is passed on to the cooling system in the resource ‘Distribution’.
- Not specified
- Dry cooler
- Evaporation condenser
- Wet cooling tower
- Low temperature cold source
- Gebouwsimulatie
Specification of the compressor details. This choice can only be made if the type is set to compression chiller and the building simulation efficiency is set to part-load efficiency.
Closed circuit
In case of a compression chiller or absorption chiller, this box indicates whether the wet cooling tower or evaporation condenser is a closed circuit. This property is taken into account to determine the auxiliary energy required to dispose the cooling power.
Pump(s) / ventilator(s) with speed control
This box indicates that the pumps of the cooling water circuit between the cooling machine and cooling source, or the ventilators of the air-cooled condensers or cooling towers, have speed control. This property affects the determination of auxiliary energy required for the generation of the cooling system.
Custom thermal conversion factor
For the gas-driven compression chiller you may deviate from the flat rate thermal conversion factor by manually specifying its value.
Building-related combined heat and power installations (CHP) and micro-CHP.
Generation efficiency cooling system – Calculation values generation efficiency
Shaft power
The shaft power of the engine of the gas-driven compression chiller should be specified in order to determine the thermal power of the cold generator.
Water flow
In case cold storage is applied as cold generator, the flow of groundwater or the flow through the soil heat exchangers should be specified to determine the thermal cooling power.
Domestic hot water system
Certificate domestic hot water
The certificate for domestic hot water should be specified for the (combi) boiler or hot water system in order to determine the flat rate efficiency of the (combi) boiler.
- No: no certificate applicable;
- CW: certificate comfort water is applicable;
- HRww: certificate high efficiency hot water is applicable.
Application class
The Gaskeur-CW-comfort class (Dutch) certificate should be specified for a (combi) boiler or hot water system. This certificate is applied to determine the flat rate efficiency of the (combi) boiler.
- Comfort class 1 ‘sink’ for kitchen use only.
- Comfort class 1* is equivalent to Comfort class 1 with the addition night shower tapping of Comfort class 2 of 3.5 dm3/min
- Comfort class 2 certificate high efficiency is applicable
- Comfort class 3 domestic hot water flow of at least 6 dm3/min at 60º, and filling a bath tub with 100 dm3 water at 40º within 12 min.
- Comfort class 4 domestic hot water flow of at least 7.5 dm3/min at 60º, and filling a bath tub with 120 dm3 water at 40º within 11 min.
- Comfort class 5 domestic hot water flow of at least 7.5 dm3/min at 60º, and filling a bath tub with 150 dm3 water at 40º within 10 min.
- Comfort class 6 domestic hot water flow of at least 7.5 dm3/min at 60º, and filling a bath tub with 200 dm3 water at 40º within 10 min.
Energy fraction and generation efficiency – normative Dutch method (Gaskeur)
For (combi-)boiler or heat pump it needs to have a quality mark to determine the flat rate of the kettle (zie tabel 19.16 NEN 7120).
- Biomass for boilers according to Activity Decree
- Biomass for boilers according to minimum burning quality in Annex O
- Biomass other
Threshold values for the minimum combustion quality and the maximum emission level of biomass-fired stoves and boilers for determining the numerical values for the primary energy factor of biomass.
Generation efficiency of a device for domestic hot water production
The properties of the heat generator are specified here. The power of the heat generator is determined by the specified power of the air ventilation units in the various rooms which are calculated, and the part which is required for the heating coil in the air handling unit. The total power is doubled to ensure sufficient power is available to provide for the air ventilation units and the heating coil. The input and output temperature are important to determine the flow.
Thermal power
- Gebouwsimulatie
The maximum thermal power of the generator can be specified here, expressed in kW. In case ‘Unlimited’ is specified no excess hours will develop based on a limited power of the generator. If excess hours do develop in this case, another component has to be specified.
- Unlimited: it is assumed the generator has an unlimited power
- Cosum value: The maximum power produced by the generator should be specified. If the required power is higher that this delivered power, the design temperature may not be reached. In this case one should increase the power or use a secondary generator.
Rated power vs Thermal vs Shaft power
Source: Information Sheet Inspection and Maintenance of Heating Installations – InfoMil – November 2008
In the Activities Decree, the capacity of installations is indicated using rated power. The threshold for mandatory inspection is 20 kW for non-gas-fired installations and 100 kW rated power for gas-fired installations.
In the Agricultural Activities Decree and the Greenhouse Horticulture Decree, the capacity of installations is indicated using nominal load on higher calorific value. The threshold for periodic inspection is 130 kW.
In the Environmental Permits and Licensing Decree, a thermal power of 130 kW is mentioned. In this case, ‘thermal power’ corresponds to ‘load’ in the agricultural decrees. ‘Thermal power’ is the official translation of ‘thermal rated input’ from the European directive. Often, this will correspond to 100 kW rated power.
In the Dutch Activities Decree (Bees B), the term ‘thermal power’ is used. Thermal power means the same as nominal load on lower calorific value. Other terms related to power in the Bees B are shaft power and brake power for engines. These terms refer to the amount of energy delivered per unit of time to an engine shaft.
The function of the engine is to drive a generator to generate electricity. Because the conversion to electricity occurs with little loss, the amount of shaft power is roughly equal to the electrical power produced. Note that the amount of energy per unit of time supplied to an engine to deliver the requested shaft power is greater. Only 30 to 40% of the energy supplied in the fuel is converted into electricity; the rest is lost as heat.
In combined heat and power applications, this remaining heat is almost entirely used beneficially, resulting in a favorable overall efficiency.
Efficiency Building Simulation
- Gebouwsimulatie
This option is available when a specific value is entered for the thermal power. The efficiency is used in the Energy & Cost module to calculate energy consumption.
- Part-load efficiency: efficiency is determined hourly, depending on the type of generator. You can read more about part-load models in this article.
- Yearly averaged efficiency: a fixed (annual average) efficiency is used for calculations.
Supply temperature
Supply temperature of the heat pump in °C.
Nominal source temperature
- Gebouwsimulatie
Nominal temperature of the source associated with thermal power, nominal supply temperature, and nominal efficiency. Input is necessary for part-load efficiency in the case of Heat Pump, Compression Chiller, and Absorption Chiller types.
Nominal supply temperature
- Gebouwsimulatie
Nominal supply temperature of the distribution network associated with thermal power, nominal source temperature, and nominal efficiency. Input is necessary for part-load efficiency in the case of Heat Pump, Compression Chiller, and Absorption Chiller types.
If the supply temperature generated by the generator and the source temperature are the specified values, then the generator produces the specified power. If the specified supply temperature of the distribution network or the source temperature is different, then the power is rescaled.
Reference source temperature
- Gebouwsimulatie
Annual average reference temperature of the source. Input is necessary for part-load efficiency in the case of Heat Pump, Compression Chiller, and Absorption Chiller types. This source temperature is used throughout the year. If the source is outdoor air, it does not need to be filled in because it is derived from the climate data file.
Nominal efficiency
- Gebouwsimulatie
Nominal efficiency associated with nominal source temperature, nominal supply temperature, and reference source temperature. Input is necessary for part-load efficiency in the case of Heat Pump, Compression Chiller, and Absorption Chiller types.
Costum conversion efficiency
- Gebouwsimulatie
If deviating from the default efficiency, this can be indicated here. For a heating heat pump, this is the COP value, and for a cooling heat pump (specified as compression chiller), this is the EER value. A quality statement must accompany the deviating efficiency.
Conversion efficiency
- Gebouwsimulatie
Specification of the efficiency (or COP, EER) of the generator if a deviating efficiency (quality statement) is provided.
Efficiency domestic hot water
Specification of the efficiency of domestic hot water in case of a combined generator (Heating & Domestic Hot Water) if a deviating efficiency (quality statement) is provided.
Heat pump
COP meets minimum value
If a heat pump for heating is specified where the efficiency (COP value) must be determined by default, you can indicate here whether the COP value meets the conditions as indicated in table 14.14 NEN 7120. The minimum COP value is only used for electric heat pumps for residential buildings where the efficiency (COP) is determined by default; see table 14.13 NEN 7120.
If a heat pump boiler for domestic hot water is specified where the efficiency (COP value) must be determined by default, you can indicate here whether the heat pump meets the generation efficiency of at least 2.2 as per Annex A (see table 19.16).
Heat pumps and electric heating – Residential category
Energy fraction and generation efficiency – normative Dutch method (Gaskeur)
- Gebouwsimulatie
Specification of the type of heat pump
Combined heat pump
If the applied heat pump is a combined heat pump, this is indicated here.
- Gebouwsimulatie
Specification of the heat pump source. This affects the input for Building Simulation Efficiency.
Specification of the heat pump source. For the EPG (Energy Performance of Buildings) calculation, this is only applicable if the efficiency needs to be determined by default; see tables 14.13 and 14.16 NEN 7120. In Building Simulation, the source only affects calculations when part-load efficiency is considered.
Heat pumps and electric heating – Residential category
Heat pumps and electric heating – Utility building category (Gaskeur)
Air-to-water heat pump
When specifying a heat pump, you can indicate here whether the heat pump is of the air-to-water type. For an air-to-water heat pump, both the energy fraction and efficiency must be provided according to a quality statement as per Annex E NEN 7120. The energy fraction is only applicable if multiple generators are specified for heating.
The option for air-to-water heat pump appears only if “Outdoor air” or “Return air” is specified as the source (residential or utility).
Determination of generation efficiency for air-to-water heat pumps for heating
Energy fraction
Specification of the energy fraction if an air-to-water heat pump is specified. The energy fraction is the share of the total heat or cold supply provided by a heat or cold generator. In the case of only one generation device, the value of the energy fraction is 1. For an air-to-water heat pump with non-integrated auxiliary heating, the share is determined from the heat supplied by the heat pump.
Determination of energy fraction for heating
Calculation value of heat supplied annually by the air-to-water heat pump
Minimum air flow rate
For a heat pump water heater, a minimum air volume flow rate may be required to operate properly. If this is known according to the manufacturer’s specifications, it can be indicated here, and the minimum flow rate can be specified in dm3/s. If no minimum air volume flow rate is provided, it will be determined based on the floor area of the building or part of the building.
Ventilation flow
It affects when part-load efficiency is considered.
DHW energy fraction
When choosing a booster heat pump with the heat source specified as the heating system and building cooling, please fill in the energy fraction for domestic hot water.
Electrical power
Specification of the electrical power of the (micro)CHP. This power is used according to the default method to determine the thermal and electrical conversion factors of the (micro)CHP according to table 14.17 NEN 7120. The conversion factors indicate what portion of the supplied energy is converted into heat and what portion into electricity.
Building-integrated cogeneration systems and micro-CHP
Custom conversion efficiency
- Gebouwsimulatie
Deviation from the default values of the conversion factors for heat and electricity can be specified here by providing different conversion factors. Quality statements must be provided to support these deviations.
- Gebouwsimulatie
Specification of the thermal conversion factor of the (micro)CHP as specified by the manufacturer if a different conversion factor (quality statement) is provided.
Specification of the electrical conversion factor of the (micro)CHP as specified by the manufacturer if a different conversion factor (quality statement) is provided.
Auxiliary energy for heating
Calculation method Auxiliary energy
The auxiliary energy of an individual device can be specified in two detailed ways:
- Annual auxiliary energy: in MJ; if the annual auxiliary energy is provided in the quality statement of a device, it can be specified here.
- According to Annex C: the auxiliary energy consumption of a device is determined according to Annex C of NEN 7120, where a number of constants and the nominal values according to the quality statement are specified.
Determination of electrical auxiliary energy use for central heating with individual devices
Auxiliary energy
Specification of annual auxiliary energy in MJ according to the device’s quality statement.
Constant A - C and nominal B
Constant A
Device constants for calculating auxiliary energy according to the device’s quality declaration (see Annex C NEN 7120).
Constant B
Device constants for calculating auxiliary energy according to the device’s quality declaration (see Annex C NEN 7120).
Constant C
Device constants for calculating auxiliary energy according to the device’s quality declaration (see Annex C NEN 7120).
Nominal B
The nominal load of the device in kW higher heating value according to the device’s quality declaration (see Annex C NEN 7120).
Solar boiler
Solar collector
At the solar collector, you have to choose which solar collector is used in the system. The entry of solar collectors must take place through Tools and Solar Collector (heat).
Depending on how the solar collector is used (Heat, Hot water, or Heat & Hot water), the input screen will be adjusted to the data for the different systems.
Calculation Method
Calculation method for determining the solar contribution of solar energy systems for domestic hot water. This method can only be specified if a solar boiler (domestic hot water) is indicated with a collector area greater than 6 m2 and less than or equal to 10 m2. For solar boilers (domestic hot water) with a collector area of 6 m2 or less, calculation method a is used by default. For solar boilers (domestic hot water) with a collector area greater than 10 m2, or for solar energy systems (heating) or solar combination systems (heating and domestic hot water), calculation method b is used by default (see section 19.6.3 NEN 7120).
Simple (method a): The solar contribution of the solar boiler to domestic hot water is determined according to section 19.6.3 NEN 7120.
Comprehensive (method b): The solar contribution of the solar boiler to domestic hot water is determined according to Annex I NEN 7120.
Contribution of solar water heating system
Calculation rules for determining the contribution of active thermal sustainable energy to domestic hot water and space heating
Contribution of solar thermal system
Type of solar water heater as used for a domestic hot water system. The type of solar water heater can only be specified if the solar water heater is used solely for domestic hot water, and the system is configured for “Tapwater.”
1. Pre-heater solar water heater with secondary heating appliance: The solar water heater acts as a pre-heater with a storage tank for storing the heated water, which is then further heated by a boiler (combination boiler) during use. In the generation configuration, alongside the solar water heater, a boiler (combination boiler) must be specified as a heat source.
2. Integrated gas-fired auxiliary heater: The solar water heater is heated via a heat exchanger in the storage tank by a boiler (combination boiler). Hot water is tapped directly from the storage tank. In the generation configuration, alongside the solar water heater, a boiler (combination boiler) must be specified as a heat source.
3. Integrated electric auxiliary heater: The solar water heater includes an integrated electric heating element in the storage tank. Hot water is tapped directly from the storage tank. For domestic hot water, no additional heat source is required in the generation configuration.
Contribution of sustainable energy systems to domestic hot water production – principle
Mode of operation for supplementary heating
Specification of the control type of the supplementary heating of the solar energy system. The control type is used to determine a correction factor for the capacity of the storage tank of the solar energy system and is only used for calculation method b when a solar energy system with integrated electric supplementary heating is chosen. See table I.5 NEN 7120 for details.
Calculations values
If the solar energy system meets the conditions required for the Zonnekeur label, this can be indicated here. This affects the default determination of the annual solar contribution under calculation method a (see tables 19.10 and 19.11 NEN 7120) and the default determination of the efficiency, heat loss coefficient, and angle dependency coefficient of the solar collector under calculation method b (see tables I.2 and I.3 NEN 7120).
Contribution of Solar System – Calculation Values
Annual Solar Contribution
The annual solar contribution used in calculation method a can be determined either based on standard values from tables 19.10 and 19.11 of NEN 7120 or can be specified in detail. A quality statement must be provided for detailed specification.
Standard: The annual solar contribution is determined according to tables 19.10 and 19.11 of NEN 7120.
Detailed: The annual solar contribution is specified as ‘Energy output at solar energy exit’ in MJ/year. This value is derived from a quality statement and must be provided for the calculation.
Insulated pipes
For determining the losses of the pipes in the collector circuit, you can indicate here whether the pipes are insulated or not. The input regarding the pipe insulation is only applicable for calculation method b. See table I.4 NEN 7120.
Auxiliary energy
Calculation method
The auxiliary energy of a solar energy system can be determined either by default or in detail. For the detailed method, a quality declaration must be provided.
- Default: The auxiliary energy is determined according to Section 19.8.4 NEN 7120.
- Detailed: The auxiliary energy is input based on a quality declaration, which must be added to the calculation.
auxiliary energy solar energy system
Collector pump present
For the collector pump and the collector pump control, auxiliary energy will be charged if a collector pump is present. This can be indicated here.
Calculation values
When specifying the presence of a collector pump and the flat-rate calculation method for determining auxiliary energy, you can indicate here whether the calculation values of the collector pump should be determined flat-rate or based on self-disclosure.
Flat-rate: The power of the collector pump is determined flat-rate according to par. NEN 7120;
Self-disclosure: The power of the collector pump and the collector pump control is known and can be specified here in watts.
Hulpenergie zonne-energiesysteem – rekenwaarden
Power collector pump
The power of the collector pump should be specified here, expressed in W. This parameter can only be stated if the calculation method is flat rate, a collector pump is available, and the design values are specified as custom values.
Power collector pump control
The power of the collector pump control should be specified here, expressed in W. This parameter can only be stated if the calculation method is flat rate, a collector pump is available, and the design values are specified as custom values.
Auxiliary energy collector pump and control
The annual auxiliary energy for the collector pump and the collector pump control can be specified here according to a quality statement, expressed in MJ / year. This auxiliary energy can only be specified if the calculation method is detailed and a collector pump is available.
Frost protection available
Auxiliary power will be charged if frost protection is available, which can be indicated here.
Power frost protection
The power of the frost protection system should be specified here, expressed in W. This parameter can only be stated if the calculation method is flat rate and frost protection is available.
Auxiliary energy frost protection
The annual auxiliary energy for the frost protection can be specified here according to a quality statement, expressed in MJ / year. This auxiliary energy can only be specified if the calculation method is detailed and frost protection is available.
Storage tank (domestic hot water)
Own input heat transfer
The heat transfer coefficient of the heat storage is determined flat rate by default, but may also be specified in detail by presenting an own heat transfer coefficient in W/K. This coefficient is used to determine the heat loss and heat storage. The heat transfer coefficient is only asked for if the calculation method is performed in detail and according to method B.
The location of the storage tank is important as it is used to determine the heat loss.
- Outside
The heat loss of the storage tank is determined with the outside air as ambient temperature. - Unheated space
The heat loss of the storage tank is determined with an ambient temperature in between the heated space and the outside air. - Heated space
The heat loss of the storage tank is determined with an ambient temperature equal to the heated space.
The total volume of the storage tank of the solar energy system is specified here, expressed in dm3. The volume is used to determine the reduction factor for the yield of solar energy in PVT-systems, and to determine the correction factor for the efficiency of heat storage in systems with integrated reheating.
Hot water storage tank
For biomass device for domestic hot water, the insulation of the hot water storage tank must be specified:
- Uninsulated
- Minimum thickness of 10 mm
- Minimum thickness of 20 mm