For various calculations within the modules of Vabi Elements, room areas are used. For example, in the Internal Heat Production from Persons module, the number of persons per m² can be entered, but in what way is the floor area then considered? The table below explains how the areas are determined for which parameters.


Area and Volume

  • Gebouwsimulatie
IWP: When chosen for persons/m² Calculations are based on a fixed wall thickness for partition walls and exterior walls (10 cm for interior walls, 20 cm for exterior walls).
Local heat release: when chosen for W/m² Calculations are based on net surface area.
Determination of room volume in the geometry The center-to-center dimensions of the walls and the floor-to-ceiling height are used to determine the volume.
Determining internal surface area for transmission Center-to-center dimensions are used to determine the internal surface area.
Determining volume for air exchange rate and infiltration rate For determining the volume of the space for air exchange rate and infiltration rate, the net volume of a room is considered.

This is the volume determined based on the internal dimensions of the room (excluding plenum).

Surface Area and Volume

  • Koellast
IWP: when chosen for persons/m² Calculations are based on a fixed wall thickness for partition walls and exterior walls (10 cm for interior walls, 20 cm for exterior walls).
Determination of room volume in the geometry The volume is determined by considering the center-to-center dimensions of the walls and the floor-to-ceiling height.
Determining volume for air exchange rate and infiltration rate For determining the volume of the space for air exchange rate and infiltration rate, the net volume of a room is considered.

This is the volume determined based on the internal dimensions of the room (excluding plenum).

Surface Area and Volume

  • Warmteverlies
Determining the volume of the room in the geometry The volume is determined by considering the center-to-center dimensions of the walls and the floor-to-ceiling height.
Determining internal surface area for transmission For heat loss calculations, you can choose to include the plenum in determining the internal surface area. The floor area reported for a room in the room statement or in the report is based on the internal dimensions (center-to-center – half the thickness of the upstanding wall).
Determining volume for ventilation rate and infiltration rate For heat loss, infiltration is typically based on qv10. If a different value is used (custom value), the following applies:

To determine the volume of the space for infiltration rate and ventilation rate, the net volume of a room is considered.

This is the volume determined based on the internal dimensions of the room (excluding plenum).

Surface Area and Volume

  • EPG
IWP: when chosen for persons/m² IWP is calculated based on the usable floor area (Agag).
Determining the volume for ventilation rate and infiltration rate For determining the volume of the space for ventilation rate and infiltration rate, the net volume of a room is considered.

This is the volume determined based on the internal dimensions of the room (excluding plenum).

Surface Area

  • EPA-W
  • EPA-U

For the export of surface areas to EPA, the areas are maintained according to the NTA 8800 standard.


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